Thursday, November 19, 2020


I believe "Alexa" needs to live in my bathroom. 
      - This is not weird, despite what my husband says.

"Alexa" is one of the four wake-up words for a popular voice assistant.   We have them in many rooms of our house, to help us stay organized and to control our other "smart" electronics.   It can play music, tell me the weather, control our smart lights and more.  We even play fun group games over the holidays.

However, my husband is not on board with my idea of having one in the bathroom, even though I have a good reason. 

    *  I have my best ideas in the shower where there is no way to write them down. *

        Seriously!    I solve problems and have the most creative ideas for my work and my volunteer job, while relaxing under a stream of hot water with no one else near me.  By the time I am in a place where I can type on my computer or even write something down, my brilliant idea has slipped down the drain with the shower water. 
  If we had one of these voice assistants in our bathroom, I could say, "Alexa, add this new thought to Kathy's Brilliant Idea List."   The idea would go straight to my smart phone and not down the shower drain. 
  Perfect!  I cannot imagine why my loving husband does not want a list of all of my ideas.

For now, I ask God to help me to remember the thought if it is something that could actually be helpful later.

Actually,  asking God to help with everything in our minds is a very brilliant idea.

He can take the wonderful brain you have known your whole life and transform it into the amazing mind God wants you to have.
That way, you can know God's good and perfect will for you.  (Romans 12:2)

Truthfully, My Friend, you are brilliant.

Do not scoff. It's true, even if you do not feel brilliant. 

With so much information and distraction coming at us all of the time, it is easy for our brains to seem overloaded with random information and thoughts. 

But, your mind is so much greater than you even know.  Whether you are the traditional type of smart, creative smart, people smart or something else, God has made you unique and brilliant.

Think about it.
    -   You were created in the image of God.  He is omniscient.
        -  If you have asked Him, Christ lives in you!
            - Christ has all knowledge and wisdom.

In First Corinthians, it even says you have the "mind of Christ".
Never Forget the Truth, YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!!

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