Friday, December 4, 2020

The New Diet

There is something about the word "Diet". 

It either repels us or quickly peaks our interest, as if there is new knowledge to help us lose weight or have a better body. 

Well, this will help you achieve better health, but not in the way you may be thinking. 

In January of 2020, I began contemplating a "Word Diet". 

Imagine it like this:

Words equal food.  

Some are rich in nutrients and beneficial for life.
Others are full of empty calories, no nutrients, and full of man made chemicals. .

Listening equals exercise.  But just like food, not all exercise is created equally.

I confess, with my sanguine personality, I have struggled to obtain a “lifestyle change”.  

(Lifestyle change seems to be the term professionals use when they want you to get healthier). 

 To help, I look for sayings and post proverbs near my desk to motivate me to be a better listener and to stop talking so much.

"Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent;
With their mouths shut, they seem intelligent."

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning. And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel".

The "food" of our own mouths is so important to our overall health. 

Your words are powerful, my friend.  So, powerful!

Proverbs 18: 21 AMP
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Good and bad, 

life and death.  

We all have a choice with the "Word Food" we choose.  

Gratitude, thanksgiving, prayer, encouraging words - All of these are superfoods. 

Grumbling, gossip, negative talk 

Nothing good can come from these.  These are the empty calories that damage you. 

They not only damage your emotions, but as the above proverb says, they damage your future.  

So, what about an “exercise program”?

Choosing the right “exercise” is crucial.
Listening can be life giving to others and to yourself.  It is a way of showing kindness and love. It is how we gain understanding and knowledge.
But, we also must be careful to protect ourselves from certain "exercises”.

The overhead squat reminds me of listening to THE MEDIA. 

Imagine holding a heaving barbell straight over your head, then squatting down as far as you can before standing back up again.

That pretty much sums up my personal feelings on the media.

Unfortunately, there are even well meaning friends that are "bad for your joints" when they are speaking.

If we spend the majority of our "exercise" on listening to sources that make us better, our overall health improves.  Spend time listening to things that feed your soul, people that inspire you and especially to what is inside of you. 

All of these things are great exercise.  

Let's get fit, my friend! 

Your words are important. Your experiences are valuable.  Even on days when you're not feeling your best, speaking out words of gratitude will change your atmosphere and even your health. 

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