Saturday, May 5, 2018

Prayer for our Schools

Last Thursday was the National Day of Prayer in the United States.

This is my prayer for our children and schools.

Prayer for Education-

Oh Lord God - You love the children. Christ, Himself, said, "Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them."  Oh Lord, protect our children. Protect our campuses.  Bring these children to you.
Expose any plan in place to stop the children from coming to you.
 Expose any plan to harm children or to harm their schools.
Lord we ask you to protect and fortify every single school, from preschool through high school
as well as every college campus in the state of Ohio and across our country.
Lord, we ask you to teach our children Truth.
May our schools be full of Truth. You Lord are Truth.
We are asking you to show up in our schools in a big way, so that every child will know they are precious to you.
They were created for a wonderful purpose.
They are loved personally by the one and only Creator of the universe.
They did not just happen.
They are not here by chance.
They are dearly loved by You, Father God. Please make the Truth of your love known to each and every child in our communities.
Lord, we ask you to not only protect our schools, but also to bless our teachers across the state of Ohio & across our nation. Please fill our schools with educators who desire to do good, to be a loving example & honorable mentors to our kids. I ask that they will teach what is True and right.
Lord I ask you to bring unity between the law makers, administrators, teachers, staff, students and parents. Lord, we ask you to pave the way and give equal opportunities to each and every child in Ohio and across our nation. We ask that every child have the opportunity to develop the wonderful gifts you have given them and achieve their full potential.
Oh Father, God, we in Ohio KNOW that with you, God, ALL things are possible.  So On this day, Lord, we declare that the schools of Ohio belong to you.
*By your power our children and schools will be protected from those with evil intent. *By your power, every child will have the opportunity to receive the education and training to become their very best.
* But most importantly, God, by your power every child in every home and in every school will know that they are loved by you, the one and only All-mighty God who created them for a wonderful purpose.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray ~Amen

My sweet, praying mom with me at the Statehouse Capitol Building.