Thursday, May 17, 2018



Dawn is my absolute favorite time of the day.
I love to see the sun break through the darkness and
begin a new day. 

* Break through the dark to a new day
* A breakthrough in modern medicine
* Breaking through an enemy line 

There are many areas where we as humans need a breakthrough.

In my last post, I shared my journey with MS.  I needed a breakthrough with my health.  Perhaps you need a breakthrough in a certain area.
* Your finances?
* With your children?
* In your marriage?
* Or something else only you know.
There are also many social issues that need to be conquered and defeated.
* the opioid epidemic * child exploitation and sex trafficking * poverty * cancer and more.
The enemy I want to defeat is suicide, especially in young people.

So let's armor up, Warrior!
What kind of battle plan do we need to defeat these enemies?

We can learn from one of the greatest warriors in history.  Most people recognize the story of David and Goliath. As a young person David went up against a giant enemy who was mocking God while his country's adult warriors were cowering in fear.   Though that is the most famous of David's battles, he had many interesting encounters where God gave him very unusual battle plans.
Once David asked God about fighting the Philistines who were about to attack. The Philistines hated Israel and especially David.  They were an incredibly intimidating army, full of cruelty as well as persistence.  That's a bad combination if you were their target.
God told him to have his army circle around behind them and wait for the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees. Then, they could attack.
Ummm, OK, now there is a plan no general would come up with....... ever!
But of course, he defeated his enemy.

David knew one very important Truth. Only God can truly defeat your enemy.

Earlier in the same chapter, we learn that David had just been anointed king. When the Philistines heard about it, they came after him in full force.  David got himself to a safe place and asked God if he should go out and fight. He did not just run right out and face them because of his past successes. He humbly prayed and asked if God would hand them over to him.
The Lord replied, "Yes, go ahead. I will certainly hand them over to you."
After defeating his enemy David exclaimed, "The LORD has broken through my enemies before me like a breaking flood."  He named that land "Baal Perazim", which means
                    The God who Breaks Through!

So, friend, here is the plan:
We are going to talk to the One who loves you dearly. He knows your situation. He has the perfect plan to break through and defeat your enemy.  
I am not just suggesting you do something I have not tried myself.  Actually, I have done it both ways.  I have pushed through to try to change a situation with my own logic and power. I have also asked God for His plan.  

Guess which one works better.

But, guess which one is harder to do.

Ugh!  It is hard to be still or worse yet, to be silent.  It is also very hard to wait.  Sometimes, I need reminded of who the real enemy is.

It turns out, God's wisdom is always better than mine.

When it comes to marriage, children or family, it can be especially challenging to ask for God's wisdom and not just react.  On some occasions I need to stand or speak up and say the hard thing.  Other times I need to be silent (This usually happens when I am clearly right and have a brilliant statement just waiting to burst out of my mouth).  

What about social issues? They seem so huge.  Can we actually do anything to prevent suicide, stop the drug epidemic or end school shootings?

2 Corinthians 10:3 We are humans but we do not wage war as humans do. (4) We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy  false arguments.

So, the answer is yes. But, we need God's battle plan.  He knows the best way to defeat the giants that plague our society.

My “enemy” became suicide when our nephew, Noah, took his life in 2016.
I knew I was to pray about this terrible epidemic. But what else? God knew my heart. I wanted to “do”.  Eventually, I knew God's plan for me in this battle against the enemy of suicide.  Actually, the battle is against lies people believe about themselves and their situations. There is also a mental break that takes place.  
First, God stirred a passion in me to tell  people how valuable and dearly loved they are.
Second, I captained a team for the Out of the Darkness Walk for suicide prevention. It funds the hotline as well as support groups and many educational venues. The event actually does so much more than I realized. At one point in last year's walk, I found myself walking near a sweet young man who was there alone.  He was quite overweight and was struggling to continue. He told me he just knew he had to be there.  He also knew he had to keep going.  It was clear he was not just talking about the walk.
(If it is on your heart to be a part of this you can click on the link at the bottom and find out more. I'm sure I will post this link again as it gets closer).

The God who breaks through loves you.  He knows the things that are important to you. Ask Him for His plan. Whether it is a personal issue, like marriage, or a social issue, like suicide, the breakthrough ALWAYS BEGINS BY PRAYING.

My Friend, I am praying with you and for you this week. May you see breakthrough in the areas where there has been struggle.

And please,

Never Forget the Truth - The God who breaks through truly loves you. 💕

Out of the Darkness Walk - Team Noah

Friday, May 11, 2018

The True Healer Loves You

The True Healer Loves You.

Early yesterday morning, I spent an hour writing about the months leading up to a diagnosed of Multiple Sclerosis.   
Then this morning….
I deleted it.  

Psalm 103:1-5
1 Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits -
3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Jehovah Rapha, “The God who heals”, loves and adores YOU!

He is not only the healer of bodies.  He heals hearts, relationships, marriages, finances and more.  

Friend, I have seen miracles happen in an instant, as well as over a period of time.  Like you, I have also seen people for whom I have prayed, pass away entirely too soon from my perspective.  But, I have a very limited view of these things.

What I know for sure is that God is good. He is all powerful, completely loving and more. Oh, how I want you to know that, too - deeply, in your heart, in your “inmost being”.

So, here's the deal with my diagnosis.          It was terrible.
You could probably have guessed that.
The pictures were taken three weeks after the diagnosis.  I was very weak, especially on my left side. I struggled to walk and to get up stairs. It felt like something was pulling me into the ground.  Sometimes, it was even hard to hold my head up. It seemed just so heavy. During my second episode, I went completely blind in my right eye. 

Of course, I had been praying, believing, and declaring God’s Words. Yet, I was still told I had an “incurable” autoimmune disease. I have learned a lot since then.

One very important Truth I had not learned yet was to ask God what is going on before I ask or listen to any person, even truly caring people, intelligent people or spiritual people.  God knows the real-deal with your situations and mine.  Even though I had wonderful, intelligent doctors, this diagnosis was also from a limited view.

*God had not told me I had MS.*

I actually did not think to ask him “What’s up?”. Oooops! Praise God for grace. With age and experience comes a little wisdom. Though I prayed and asked others to pray as well, one of my many lessons was to learn to ask God about the situation first. Whether it is an illness or a different challenging situation, ask Him how to pray and how to proceed. (Even if it is a fight with your spouse).

I did not go on any medications at first. I got a second opinion and saw a leading Integrative Medicine doctor at Ohio State University.  Despite all the vitamins and natural solutions, that doctor was the one who got me into the OSU MS Clinic eight months later.  I am not a fan of medication or pharmaceutical companies. However, I am a huge fan of doctors and nurses.  I  had many wonderful people caring for me. My new neurologist explained that I could go completely blind the next day with no warning,  or perhaps not be able to walk, or worse.  That was her job. That is why I went to her. By going there, I was asking her what she had seen, what she had been taught in medical school. By being there, I was asking her opinion and perspective. She was not a pastor, theologian or prophet. She was a great doctor and very nice woman. Clearly, hearing what MS could mean for my future caused fear at that time. Fear prompted me to take the medication that does not cure but lessens episodes in frequency and/or severity.

Very reluctantly, I began giving myself weekly shots, plunging an inch and a half needle into my thigh. Then, I would feel like I had to flu for 24-48 hours. I hated it! I cried every week before I gave myself the shot.

I promise - This story gets better.

One afternoon I was on my living room floor crying, praying and begging God to take this away. That is when I heard it clearly, not an audible voice, but an internal one that sounded nothing like me.
“Believe Me”.
I lifted my head up and looked around. It was so clear. . It was almost audible.
“Believe Me”.
Wait - This was definitely not any self-talk.
“Believe Me”.
Ok, God. What does that mean? No more medicine? Should I do a special diet? A homeopathic solution? What?
Then there was this:
“Nothing is going to get my glory”.
Ummmmm - Ok, Lord. But who is going to convince Bill (my husband)?

Clearly, Bill did not like the idea.
But God is good …….. and funny.
He speaks husband language.
I was out of the medication. When I called to inquire why it had not been sent, the company informed me that my insurance had changed their coverage of this medicine.  The cost would go from $30/month to $1200. Yes, $1200! Ha!  That made him a little more willing to try it the way I was suggesting. 

Now to be clear - I did not hear I was healed. The words were, “Believe Me.” So, I did.

That was 2008.

My doctor ended up moving away. I ended up not seeing a neurologist for seven years.  I have not had any episodes since going off the medication. I do not have any new damage to my nervous system.   

Go God!!!

The new neurologist was amazed. He asked what I was doing.  
I answered, “Well, ummm, I pray”.
He paused, continued comparing old and new MRIs and test results, then looked up and said,

“Mrs. Stauffer, it looks like that God you pray to is an MS Specialist.”

“ He is!” I replied excitedly, “and so much more.”  I asked him to give me a new diagnosis but he would not since, since the previous damage could still be seen on my MRI. But, he did agree that it was fine for me to stay off medication if I agreed to come in if anything changed.

It has now been a decade since I have taken any MS medication.  Let me be clear - I am in no way telling you not to listen to your doctor or take your medications.  
I am just recommending that whatever comes into your life, whatever is hurting you, be still and listen.
Ask God for HIS perspective. Ask him for His omniscient view of your situation.

God never told me I had MS. He told me to believe him.  

What has he said about your situation?
Has HE told you
  • your sickness is incurable?
  • Your marriage is irreparable?
  • Your child is too far gone to save?
  • Your finances are hopeless?
  • Or, the damage in a relationship cannot be repaired?
Of course, not! He loves you and has good things for your life.
Believe Him!
He knows your “inmost being”. He created it (Psalm 139:13)

He loves you.  

Ask Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, to touch you and give you His perspective of your life.

You are dearly loved, my friend.

The One who loves you most IS the One and only true Healer.

Never Forget the Truth - The True Healer Loves You.